by :
Dewi Widowati
Mathematics Education
Writing a scientific paper is a skill one obtained through various writing exercises. The ideas, both conceptual and empirical evidence which is accompanied, not much use if it is not disseminated. Although a variety of ways can be used to disseminate the results of such consideration, the media are widely used to communicate the print media or in other words through writing. Posts made more effective, the higher the possibility of writing the reader to understand. To produce effective writing skills will require adequate writing technique. Discuss the technique of writing, it means talking about how to package ideas in writing so that people who read it can capture the ideas presented correctly.
Writing a scientific paper is a skill one obtained through various writing exercises. The ideas, both conceptual and empirical evidence which is accompanied, not much use if it is not disseminated. Although a variety of ways can be used to disseminate the results of such consideration, the media are widely used to communicate the print media or in other words through writing. Posts made more effective, the higher the possibility of writing the reader to understand. To produce effective writing skills will require adequate writing technique. Discuss the technique of writing, it means talking about how to package ideas in writing so that people who read it can capture the ideas presented correctly.
Preparation of Scientific Writing
The preparation stage consists of writing scientific papers of the following activities:
1. The selection of topics / issues for the paper, which can be done by formulating a clear and specific objectives as well as determining and tracing paper to make it more focused topics.
2. Identification of potential readers.
3. Determination of the range of material for writing.
4. Collection of Information for Scientific Writing
Principles of the material you have learned is the following :
1. The process of collecting data / information for the purposes of writing scientific papers can be done by way of tracing the source of reading material or in the library and track information from people who are experts in specific areas by road to interview him.
2. In utilizing the library, there are some parts that need to know how to use it, ie encyclopedia, bibliography, periodical, reference, statistics, and government publications.
3. Literature search can be done in two ways, namely through the online catalog, usually using a computer terminal as a source of information, and card-catalog (catalog cards), where all the information about author / author of the book / article, the title of the book and the subject / topic posts are recorded the card.
4. There are 3 (three) kinds of card catalogs, can be used when searching the literature, the card catalog that contains information about the writer / author, title of book / article and the subject / topic written.
5. The steps that must be done in search of data / information for writing the way the interview is below:
a. Determine who will be interviewed.
b. Develop guidelines for the interview.
c. Conducting interviews.
d. The interview process the data.
e. Interview guide containing a list of questions to be asked is one of the most important prerequisites that determine the success of an interview. This interview guidelines should be developed based on the scope of the material or issues to be developed in a scientific paper.
Content of Scientific paper
1. Introduction
The introduction should set up the problem you are addressing. What is the question you are discussing? You should give general information about the topic here – basic information that you might have gotten from a textbook or other general source.
2. Literature Review
For many published review articles, the comments about each study cited are rather brief – possibly only a sentence or two. You are writing a review article, but reviewing a small number of papers in some depth, so your review will go into more detail on each one. You can organize this section in at least two ways. First, you can take each study separately, writing one or more paragraphs about each one. Second, if it is more efficient or helps you contrast studies, you can do comparisons all the way through the Literature Review section. In either case, there are several things to keep in mind:
1) You should restate the purpose, methods, and important results of each study, and conclusions that the authors drew from the study.
2) If the paper you are citing has only some results relevant to your topic, those results are all you should discuss.
3) Your review should focus on those points of a paper that tie into the question raised in the introduction. However, you should minimize your own interpretation of the results. Save that for the discussion.
3) The papers you analyze in some detail may not say much in terms of comparing the adaptation across animals, so you may need another section with information on whatever species you are comparing yours to. This probably does not need as much detail, and primary references are not required here (at least for our purposes).
Figures and tables often make the results clearer, and will also let the reader judge for himself or herself about the quality of the data. You should scan relevant figures from your sources and insert them in your paper. Don’t overdo it, though. You need to understand what is most relevant or important to include in a brief review, and reproduce only that material. Tables may be very useful. If two papers present the same type of information, a table is often the easiest way to do comparisons.
Figures and tables need legends that explain what they are. You should always refer to any table or figure in the text and point out what you expect the reader to see (e.g. Figure 1 shows that lung size is a constant fraction of body weight, since the exponent of the power law is approximately 1). Never stick in a figure or table and expect the reader to figure it out.
Figures and tables in published work are integrated into the body of the document. If you want to do this, that’s fine, but it is also acceptable to put the figures and tables on separate pages at the end. Generally when a paper is submitted for publication, the figures are at the end and the publisher does the integration.
3. Discussion
This is a very important part of your paper. Here you may do several things and structuring this section is often difficult even for experienced writers.
1) Analyze the quality of the work in the papers you have discussed. You should consider a number of questions and write this section in a way that flows – not a question and answer format. The following are points to consider; you won’t necessarily want to address them all. Did the authors show convincingly what they claimed to show? Did they show you the data on which the conclusions were based? Did it appear that they had a large enough sample to be sure about validity of the results? Did they perform statistical tests? (You aren’t expected to know much about statistics, but if a paper contains numerical values, chances are that statistical tests should be done). What are the limitations of the paper? In more general terms, did they move the understanding of the topic forward?
Don’t be too hard on the papers, though, or criticize just for the sake of criticism. Remember that the authors of most studies have to deal with both biological variability and experimental variability, which can’t be reduced to zero. The scientific method usually calls for manipulating one variable and holding all others constant, but that is very tough in many physiological experiments, so the biological variability in data can be large. You have to hope that variation in properties you can’t control either doesn’t make any difference, or that if variation in some uncontrollable property does influence the variable you care about, it will average out.
2) Discuss what questions are raised by the work and where to go next. You may want to discuss new hypotheses or suggest further work that could be done, either on the same animal or different animals, with similar or different techniques. This work could further identify mechanisms, extend the range of applicability of the findings, etc.
3) Given whatever limitations you found in the studies, attempt to provide a brief summary that answers the question raised in the introduction. You might start this section “In conclusion,…”
4. References
All references cited in the paper should be listed here, and vice versa. That is, all references in the reference list should be cited in the paper.
Entries should be listed in alphabetical order by last name of the first author.
There are a number of reference styles in force in biology that vary by journal. Any consistent style that gives complete information (authors, year, article title, journal, volume, page numbers) is acceptable in your reference list. The style used for references in the textbook is a very good choice. Books, and chapters in books are referenced differently from articles. Again, the text has examples.
In citing papers in the text of your paper, follow the rules in section III of this document.
Analysis and synthesis
For your paper to be excellent, it requires very good analysis and some synthesis. There may not be any absolute definition of the difference between these two ideas, but analysis requires critical evaluation of existing material, and synthesis requires generating something new. In the present context, analysis means taking apart the papers you have chosen to focus on, understanding them relatively thoroughly, asking whether the experiments were the right ones to test the hypothesis (if one was given), and evaluating the presentation of the results for clarity, completeness, and bias. You’ll be analyzing each of the papers you are focusing on in your Literature Review section, but that section might involve synthesis as well.
Synthesis requires combining information from more than one source. A few examples of syntheses that might appear in your paper are:
• Discussing common themes that support a general point
• Showing evidence of common results in a table that uses data from multiple sources or plotting data from more than one study in a single graph
• Explaining a conflict between different sources
• Proposing a resolution to a conflict between sources
• Generating a new hypothesis that could be tested based on an analysis of the results of previous studies
• Reflecting on how and why ideas about some subject have changed over time.
• Explaining the advantages of a particular adaptation, or how a particular group or species that uses some physiological mechanism differs from a comparison group that does not use this mechanism.
Some of the insights just listed would count as synthesis if they were your own insights and were not discussed in original sources. However, they could be analysis if these concepts were in the original sources, but you pulled them out, recognized that they were important, and reported on them.
Conventions, styles, and mistakes to avoid
1. Good scientific writing is both concise and precise. After you have a draft, go back and see whether you could have used fewer words to get a point across, and whether you really said what you meant to say. [For some reason, reading a draft on a computer screen is not very good for this step. Even after a tremendous amount of practice in writing, I find that I have to print a document, read it with a red pen in hand, and then return to the computer.]
2. The corollary to that first point is: Proofread your paper carefully to make sure it says what you meant, and to make sure that spelling and grammar are correct. . Spell checkers and grammar checkers are helpful, but they don’t catch everything. “Affect” and “effect” are both words, but they are not interchangeable.
3. Use past tense when describing earlier studies. Only use present tense when you are making a general statement. It is likely that the literature review section will be entirely in past tense, but the discussion may be in present tense.
4. Do not plagiarize. Generally you should paraphrase or summarize original sources. If you need to quote something, and there are various reasons why you might want to do that, put the material in quotation marks or indent the section of the paper. Follow the guidelines given below for references. You are responsible for knowing the information on the following site:
5. If a paragraph is nearly a page long, or longer, then it is probably too long for the reader.
6. Define all abbreviations (except very standard ones like O2 and ATP and ECG) the first time they are used. Don’t use too many abbreviations. They shorten the text but make it more difficult to read. Never start a sentence with an abbreviation.
7. Use an 11 or 12-point font and 1.5 or double-space the whole paper. Use 1-inch margins. Word has a default of 1.25” margins, which are too big.
8. Number the pages.
9. Left justify the text; it should not be justified on both sides of the page.
10. Follow the rules for when to use numerals (1, 2, . . .) and when to use words (one, two, . . .). In general, the numbers one through nine are spelled out, while numbers 10 and higher are not. Some sources prefer to use words for values less than 100. Always spell out numbers at the beginning of a sentence or restructure the sentence to avoid starting with a number.
11. Put commas between elements in a series, including before the “and” that precedes the last element. An example: The shapes used for the stimuli included squares, triangles, trapezoids, stars, and circles.
12. Elements in a list should have parallel structure. If you have a list of phrases, they all need to start with the same part of speech, and not a mixture. ( Good: In writing a paper, you should write full sentences, check spelling, and minimize use of abbreviations. Bad: In writing a paper, you should write full sentences, check spelling, and minimizing abbreviations.) The bullet points in section II are parallel.
A research paper is a piece of academic writing that requires a more abstract, critical, and thoughtful level of inquiry than you might be used to. But not to worry, you'll gradually pick up that mindset the more you envelop yourself in tutorial discussions and lectures at the college level and, of course, the more you write.
Writing a research paper involves (1) first familiarizing yourself with the works of "experts"--for example, on the page, in cyberspace, or in the flesh through personal interviews--to build upon what you know about a subject and then (2) comparing their thoughts on the topic with your own. You'll end up using relevant information--facts and/or opinions--from these expert sources, these "others," to support the topic you have been given or chosen to explore. Then, as our subsequent steps will outline, the final product will be a unique and appropriate integration of evidence you have located outside yourself and personal insights generated from your mind.
_____. Tahap Penulisan Karya Ilmiah., was accessed on April 17th 2012.
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