Rabu, 29 Februari 2012


Dewi Widowati
Mathematics Education

Learning Mathematics is a very complex process and involves many variables. Mathematics learning more involve abstract objects, even so, the learning. Mathematics can be started from a concrete object. Many people who see mathematics as a field of study the most difficult. Even so, everyone should learn it because mathematics is a means to solve the problem everyday life, such as language, reading and writing.
 Mathematical difficulties to be overcome as early as possible, otherwise it would face many problems because almost all fields of study require the appropriate mathematics. Mastery of mathematics often highly correlated high with a mastery of the other sciences. It can be proved that math scores of students is always directly proportional to lesson value other.

In any event can not be separated from the factors affect the success of these activities in achieving its objectives. Likewise with the learning of mathematics. These factors influence each other and have a relationship. There are several factors that can influence the process learning, namely:
1.        Teachers factor,
including teachers educational background, experience of teaching and the use of time by the teacher.
2.        Student factors,
including interest and attention, learning habits of students,additional knowledge and educational background of students.
3.        Educational facilities
4.        Environment

The following will be presented one by one from all the above factors, namely:
1.        Teacher factor
Teacher is one who gives knowledge to students, or anyone who had a positive influence to the students as a result of the reaction and interaction between the two persons. There are several other factors that influence a teacher are, among others:
a.         Education Background of Teacher
Educational background that is owned by a teacher sometimes not the same as other teachers in terms of educational experience ever gone through a period of time. Difference is the background by type and grade in education. An undergraduate teacher education and educational background teacher will be different from non-graduate teachers and teacher training, especially for a teacher who just graduated from high school. These differences are
clearly visible on the mastery of knowledge and ways of teaching materials
of the subjects he held.
Therefore, the success of the learning process by taking one its purpose is strongly influenced by the educational background of a teacher who shall be in accordance with the scientific discipline in presenting material lessons, so that everything can be avoided undesirable.
b.        Teaching Experience
Experience is the most valuable teacher. It can not be denied, because we realize it or not, those who experienced many in a particular field is very much different from the person who bit experiences. Moreover, associated with the field of teaching. This will
looks from the teacher to manage class time, interaction with
their students and when to use the time available. Given all that, a teacher is required to have numerous and extensive knowledge and a lot of things related with teaching. And all knowledge is only obtained from experience that has been experienced and lived. So with the knowledge will assist teachers in achieving the learning objectives have been determined.
c.         Use of Time
Set the time or hour lesson is indispensable in learning. A teacher must be careful and skillful in sharing time provided in delivering the subject matter, if not accurate and adept at dividing that time, most likely will miss, while the material must be delivered unfinished. As a result will impact on all those directly involved in the process learning in school. Time provided in the schedule for each lesson, for each quarter, for any one school year, is very limited. Therefore, the required setting the time available, in which students are expected to perform variety of learning activities to achieve the goal of teaching. The set time is closely related to a teaching style teachers in the classroom. If a teacher is able to fill that time with things positive activities that lead students to learn, then the time limited will feel useful and enjoyable, and vice versa.

2.        Student factor
Students are objects in the learning process. Without any students, impossible the learning process in schools can be run. The main component in the learning process is a determining factor for success learning, so that it can affect everything that is needed to achieve learning objectives. There are several factors that affect the student's own self,
a.         Interest
Interests is preferred and a sense of attachment to a thing or activity, without being told. Interest is essentially revenue be a relationship between yourself with something outside  themselves. More and more extensive and close relationship, a large too atract. Interest affects the learning process, because if material of the lessons learned are not in demand by students, they will not be studied diligently and earnestly, because there is no appeal. As for how to generate interest in the learning process are:
1) With the joyous and good relations with teachers.
2) The teacher himself should interest in the lesson.
3) Using props and their own business.
4) Adjust the mental development of students
b.        Attention
A teacher is required as much as possible in order to be able to present lessons in such a way, that has always attracted the attention of students. As for how attract attention to students is:
1)        The lesson seeks to stimulate the interest of students to know the nature of teaching.
2)        Connect the lessons with the events and events surrounding the students.
3)        Props or teaching can attract media attention to students as teaching media to clarify understanding and calm the students.
4)        Lessons are always tailored to ability and development level of students
5)        The teacher should prepare a good lesson materials using a range of methods varied and appropriate.
6)        Each of the lessons the teacher can provide an overview of each, the lessons are given.
c.         Habits of Learning
Study habits of students is an activity to repeat the lesson return home or school boarding, pay attention and listen to each lessons teachers currently teaching in the classroom, and always a task that given by the teacher. This allows high performance learning students.
d.        Additional knowledge
Students who wish to be his ability and achievements in increasing the learning process better, it must increase as well activities by way of their own learning through communication media advanced at this time.
e.         Educational background
Differences in students' educational background influences on strong enough on learning in the classroom.

3.        Educational facilities
Adequate facilities in an educational institution would provide a positive influence on learning activities. The educational facilities that must be provided by the school are:
a.         School Libraries
The library is directly related to the equipment with the quality of education in the achievement of objectives for affect the teaching learning process efficient. So with the library in the school can support. Student success in studying subjects of interest.
b.        Lesson books
This facility is a factor of textbooks that contain about mathematics that have been programmed by the government.

4.        Environment
Environment is part of the lives of students. In environment students live and interact in the chain of life called the ecosystem. Environment is one that is outside of the students and the influence of students’s development. In this case environmental education experts to share three parts, namely:
a.         Family environment
b.        School / boarding
c.          Environmental masyarakat
Within the family consists of father, mother and children and families who become residents. High and low parental education, the size of income, less atu enough attention and guidance of parents, whether or not the situation calm in the house, it also influence achievement of learning outcomes anak.35 So a harmonious family environment will capable of stimulating children's learning, and helping to child's learning success
Similarly, the boarding school environment or when all parties concerned in it to understand and appreciate each other for the right and obligations of each. Such as teacher quality, teaching methods, suitability of the curriculum with student’s ability, state facilities or school supplies, room situation, the number of students each class, implementation school discipline, etc.
While the environmental community, the community is only be conducted by the superintendent of each educational subject in the sense of assess, support and participate in anticipation of all things undesirable. In other words, when the state of your neighborhood people belonging to the educated people, especially children's high school average and a good moral, this would encourage children to study hard.

In any event can not be separated from the factors affect the success of these activities in achieving its objectives. Likewise with the learning of mathematics. These factors influence each other and have a relationship. There are several factors that can influence the process learning, namely:
1.        Teachers factor,
including teachers educational background, experience of teaching and the use of time by the teacher.
2.        Student factors,
including interest and attention, learning habits of students,additional knowledge and educational background of students.
3.        Educational facilities
4.        Environment

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