Disampaikan pada Seminar Pendidikan dalam Rangka Open House
Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Hidayatullah, Yogyakarta
21 Maret 2004
Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Ikhtisar oleh: Dewi Widowati
Managing the process of learning is not easy because we find out that sometimes students have difficulty in learning (Jaworski, 1994: 83). Programs promote innovation in learning, Cocroft Report (1982: 132) recommends that at every level of education, the process of learning should provide opportunities for teachers to use the choice of teaching methods that are adjusted to student ability level as follows: method of exposition by the teacher; method of discussion, between teachers and students and between pupils and students; method of problem solving (problem solving); method of discovery (investigation); basic skills training methods and principles; method of application.
To innovate learning, teachers also must consider several aspects:
1. 1. Cognitive Aspects
Teachers should be aware of the characteristics of students, among others, (a) students will learn if it possessed the motivation, (b) students need to learn in his own way, (c) students can study independently or in groups, (d) students need a different context and situation different in the study.
2. 2. Affective Aspects
According to Krathwhol, attitude aspect appears when there is commitment, value preferences, acceptance of the value, satisfaction and willingness to respond in order to respond the person. Aspects of interest arise when a preference value, receiving the value, satisfaction of responding, desirability to respond, willingness to respond, concentrated attention, willingness to accept and consciousness of a person.
3. 3. Psychomotor Aspects
Psychomotor aspects have an important role to determine students' skills in solving problems. Teachers can use the observation sheet to determine the skill level of students.
In order for students to feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realizing the paradigm shift as follows : HIJRAH, MOVE, CHANGE, INNOVATION, CONTEMPLATE, REFLECTIONS from "traditional learning" to "progressive learning". Process of learning that centered on the teacher became focused on the students, transmission of knowledge became development of cognition, authoritarian to a democratic, more students’ initiative than the teachers', students are more active, pedagogically value of error, and students are aware of their needs to learn.
Learning process became progressive and results oriented. Teachers also must be patient and wait for students during the learning process. Teachers can provide individual services to each student. Teachers should also be aware of the differences in the ability of capturing the material from each student. Learning is not just a lecture but also in the form of discussion groups and variations of other methods. Learning process emphasized to understanding the materials and applications in real life. Students have the motivation to learn and acquire new knowledge. Progressive learning tends to be a bit informal, flexible, and there is the autonomy of teachers and students. In progressive learning of teachers is not only a role as a teacher or educator but also as a facilitator and dynamist.