Senin, 03 Oktober 2011

Memanfaatkan Microsoft Word 2007 Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Geometri di SMP

by : Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
reviewed by : Dewi Widowati

With Microsoft Office 2007 we able to develop geometry learning at school. Microsoft Office 2007 comes with SmartArt Graphic so that users can create different kinds of graphs. With SmartArt graphics tools we able to create different kinds of geometry two-dimensional or 3 dimensional. With SmartArt graphics devices we also able to do animation on the graphic as well as add various text for an explanation of the picture. Basic forms of geometry can be obtained from the menu "Insert" by selecting sub-menu "Shapes". Geometry basic structure is available on the menu "Basic Shapes".

To draw a three-dimensional geometry or solids we use the Format Object (3-D Format pane). Three-dimensional geometry can be made with observing to the above, pedestal, height, width and length. For that, use the commands "Top" for the upper hand, "Width" for the width, "Height" to high, "Bottom" for the base. To assign a color to use the command "Contours". Basic geometric objects can be obtained from the "AutoShapes" with clicking "Drawing Toolbar". Basic geometry can be obtained by a square, pentagon, hexagon and octagon. Those objects can be created by copying and filling in color and can do circular movements with "Free Rotate tool". To get the "Drawing" menu, open the window "View" then clicking "Drawing". Basic geometry can be obtained from the "Basic Shapes" by pulling or "dragged" to the destination. Use the "AutoShapes" from "Microsoft Word Drawing Tools" to draw different shaped geometry of space. Solids regular objects can be obtained by drawing up a lot of flat facet (polygon). By selecting "3D", the polygonal shapes can be converted to solids. Make sure that we have "Drawing" facilities in Microsoft Word 2007.

The use of Microsoft Word 2007 can be done easily because the software is available on all new-generation computers. The skills to make basic geometry objects using Microsoft Word 2007 facilities can be developed to make more complex geometries objects, such as three-dimensional geometry objects. The skills can be improved to study aspects of geometry with a higher standard of competence, for example to determine the value of pi. From the above description can be concluded as follows:
a.         The use of Microsoft Word 2007 is relatively easy to do by the teacher because this software is in new generation of computers.
b.        The use of Microsoft Word 2007 will add to the motivation and pleasure in studying geometry.
c.     Students can use Microsoft Word 2007 to study the geometry either independently or through collaboration.
d.        By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can conduct an investigation or inquiry to the concepts of geometry.
e.   By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can perform activities problem solving or solving mathematical problems.
f.          By using Microsoft Word 2007, students can communicate their results to both the teacher and other friends.

Kegiatan Penelitian Sebagai Usaha Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Matematika

 by: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
reviewed by: Dewi Widowati

If we, the teachers want the renewal of mathematics education, mathematics education research it will become a necessity. Apart from the formal legal aspects of mathematics education research activities either by teachers, lecturers as well as by prospective teachers will give many benefits. With the study of mathematics education we can know the existence of differences in individuals or groups to study the mathematics, we can determine the position of students on a group, able to compare learning outcomes between groups. We can also do a match between objectives and results of learning outcomes: whether the standard of competence or basic competence has been achieved?

The results of the study can be used for refining the program, mentoring, provision of information to the public. Besides that we also can do a comparison between the performances and the criteria for each dimension of the program as well as refining the program and the inference results of mathematics education as a whole. Then we can conduct studies about the implementation of the program, the influence of the learning environment, the influence of the program, curriculum or syllabus of learning outcomes, and in the end used for the improvement of mathematics education program as a whole.

Because it is not too excessive, if teachers are given a suggestion that educational research activities is always attached with mathematics learning activities. More specifically, before learning of mathematics held, then the teacher should do things as a preparatory step as follows:

Planning for mathematics learning environment
-          Determine the necessary teaching resources
-          Plan activities that are flexible
-          Plan the physical environment of learning mathematics.
-          Involve students in creating mathematical learning environment.

Develop students' social environment
-          Plan activities to work together.
-          Encourage students to appreciate each other.
-          Browse the feelings of students about mathematics
-          To develop mathematical models.

Plan mathematical activities
-          Plan mathematical activities are balanced in terms of: matter, time, trouble, activities,  etc..
-          Plan mathematical activities that are open (open-ended)
-          Plan activities according to students' abilities.
-          Development of mathematical topics.
-          Build mental for mathematic.
-          When and where to help students?
-          Use a variety of teaching resources (varying books).

Sabtu, 10 September 2011


Disampaikan pada Seminar Pendidikan dalam Rangka Open House
Sekolah Dasar Islam Terpadu Hidayatullah, Yogyakarta
21 Maret 2004

Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Ikhtisar oleh: Dewi Widowati

Managing the process of learning is not easy because we find out that sometimes students have difficulty in learning (Jaworski, 1994: 83). Programs promote innovation in learning, Cocroft Report (1982: 132) recommends that at every level of education, the process of learning should provide opportunities for teachers to use the choice of teaching methods that are adjusted to student ability level as follows: method of exposition by the teacher; method of discussion, between teachers and students and between pupils and students; method of problem solving (problem solving); method of discovery (investigation); basic skills training methods and principles; method of application.

To innovate learning, teachers also must consider several aspects:
1.      1.   Cognitive Aspects
Teachers should be aware of the characteristics of students, among others, (a) students will learn if it possessed the motivation, (b) students need to learn in his own way, (c) students can study independently or in groups, (d) students need a different context and situation different in the study.
2.      2.   Affective Aspects
According to Krathwhol, attitude aspect appears when there is commitment, value preferences, acceptance of the value, satisfaction and willingness to respond in order to respond the person. Aspects of interest arise when a preference value, receiving the value, satisfaction of responding, desirability to respond, willingness to respond, concentrated attention, willingness to accept and consciousness of a person.
3.      3.   Psychomotor Aspects
Psychomotor aspects have an important role to determine students' skills in solving problems. Teachers can use the observation sheet to determine the skill level of students.

In order for students to feel happy and motivated in their learning, teachers need to realizing the paradigm shift as follows : HIJRAH, MOVE, CHANGE, INNOVATION, CONTEMPLATE, REFLECTIONS from "traditional learning" to "progressive learning". Process of learning that centered on the teacher became focused on the students, transmission of knowledge became development of cognition, authoritarian to a democratic, more students’ initiative than the teachers', students are more active, pedagogically value of error, and students are aware of their needs to learn.

Learning process became progressive and results oriented. Teachers also must be patient and wait for students during the learning process. Teachers can provide individual services to each student. Teachers should also be aware of the differences in the ability of capturing the material from each student. Learning is not just a lecture but also in the form of discussion groups and variations of other methods. Learning process emphasized to understanding the materials and applications in real life. Students have the motivation to learn and acquire new knowledge. Progressive learning tends to be a bit informal, flexible, and there is the autonomy of teachers and students. In progressive learning of teachers is not only a role as a teacher or educator but also as a facilitator and dynamist.

Asumsi Dasar Karakteristik Matematika, Subyek Didik dan Belajar Matematika Sebagai Dasar Pengembangan Kurikulum Matematika Berbasis Kompetensi di SMP

Oleh: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
Ikhtisar oleh: Dewi Widowati

Planning and curriculum development is a job that requires in-depth and comprehensive study to meet the eligibility requirements. Competency-based mathematics education emphasizes the skills that should be possessed by graduates; so that the curriculum was developed based on the elaboration of basic standards of competency to competency.
Standard of competence is an ability that can be performed or displayed in the learning of mathematics, whereas the basic competence is an ability at least in the subjects of math should be owned by students. Mathematics syllabus should be formulated to include outlines of instructional material that refers to the mathematical characteristics in accordance with the competencies to be achieved.
Competency-based curriculum designed to be in the process of learning mathematics, students are able to conduct a search of patterns and relationships, develop creativity and imagination, intuition and invention; conducting problem-solving; and communicate mathematical thinking to others. To achieve these capabilities developed a process that takes into account the context of learning mathematics and its application in everyday life. Basic competence is the ability at least in the subjects that must be performed or displayed by the students of competency standards for mathematics courses.
The essence of Curriculum 2004 is to learn first-hand development experience, contextual teaching and learning, meaningful teaching, with observing life proficiency as personal proficiency, social skills, academic skills and proficiency skills. All the competencies that are developed with the principles of authentic assessment judged not only on the level of memory and understanding but to the application.
Experiences and learning activities are activities that needed by students in order to achieve the basic competencies and learning materials. Experience development and learning is the essence of competency-based mathematics curriculum, in which contained the study of the characteristics

A Case of Primary and Secondary Mathematics and Science Teaching

To be Presented at
Workshop and International Symposium:
Lesson Study Pembelajaran Matematika dan penjas Adapted Untuk Anak berkebutuhan Khusus,
Faculty of Education (FIP),
Yogyakarta State University,
23-25 Agustus 2008

by: Dr. Marsigit, M.A.
reviewed by: Dewi Widowati

            Setiap adanya reformasi pendidikan, di Indonesia harus menangani berbagai isu seperti (a) bagaimana mengenalkan kurikulum yang interaktif daripada kurikulum yang bersifat instrumental, (b) bagaimana mengenalkan pendekatan yang berpusat pada siswa daripada pendekatan yang berpusat pada guru, (c) bagaimana mengenalkan inisiasi siswa daripada dominasi guru, dan (d) bagaimana mengenalkan kurikulum yang sederhana dan fleksibel daripada kurikulum yang padat dan memiliki struktur sempit. Guru harus mengubah paradigma tentang mengajar dari semula bersifat “hanya mentransfer ilmu dari guru ke siswa” menjadi “membangun pengetahuan siswa”.
          Berdasarkan Sisdiknas No. 20 Tahun 2003, Sistem pendidikan di Indonesia harus mengembangkan kecerdasan dan ketrampilan yang dimiliki setiap individu, mengenalkan perilaku yang baik, jiwa patriot, dan tanggung jawab sosial, dan harus mengembangkan kemandirian. Meningkatkan kualitas pengajaran merupakan salah satu hal penting dalam meningkatkan standar pendidikan di Indonesia. Menurut Katagiri, S. (2004) bahwa untuk mengembangkan sikap matematis, siswa harus sadar bahwa dia butuh dan memahami kebutuhan akan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan baru. Untuk itu dibutuhkan inovasi pengajaran untuk menumbuhkan kemandirian siswa, sikap matematis siswa dan cara berpikir matematika.
            Lesson study dikembangkan oleh guru-guru, dosen dan ahli pendidikan Jepang, mereka mencoba berbagai metode pengajaran di sekolah. Lesson study mengenalkan paradigma baru dalam pendidikan matematika dan sains bahwa aktivitas pembelajaran tidak hanya bersifat pragmatis dan hanya untuk waktu yang singkat, tetapi dianggap sebagai tujuan seumur hidup. Lesson study memberikan kesempatan kepada guru untuk merefleksikan dan mengevaluasi, bekerjasama dengan guru lain dan dosen mengenai paradigma mereka tentang pengajaran. Pendekatan lesson study mencakup : (a) adanya kerjasama antar siswa selama proses pembelajaran, (b) pengajaran dan pembelajaran secara kontekstual, (c) ketrampilan hidup, (d) kegiatan yang berkesinambungan, (e) proses interakrif yang berorientasi pengembangan kurikulum dan silabus, dan (f) adanya otonomi guru dan siswa.
        Lesson study sangat efektif diterapkan dalam proses pengajaran untuk meningkatkan antusias siswa terhadap pembelajaran sains, membantu siswa untuk mengembangkan kemampuan menemukan sesuatu yang baru, ketrampilan berdiskusi, dan memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan pengetahuan mereka sendiri. Melalui pendekatan konstrutivisme, memungkinkan siswa untuk menemukan gaya belajar mereka sendiri. Lesson study dapat memunculkan semangat berkompetisi kelompok-kelompok belajar dalam mempresentasikan hasil diskusi mereka dan mempertahankan hasil diskusi mereka.  Hal ini mengakibatkan mereka harus mempelajari banyak teori untuk kepentingan mereka sendiri. Dalam lesson study materi pengajaran banyak dikembangkan oleh guru atau dosen. Materi lesson study dikembangkan oleh dosen atau guru di kelas masing-masing atau guru dan dosen mengembangkan materi tersebut bersama selama aktivitas lesson study berlangsung. Secara umum, dosen dan atau guru mengembangkan materi pengajaran setelah berpikir panjang apa dan bagaimana mengembangkan materi pengajaran untuk topic tertentu dan kemudian mengembangkan materi tersebut. Selanjutnya, mereka mencobakan materi tersebut ke dalam kelas mereka dan kemudian merevisi berdasarkan hasil uji coba tersebut.

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